Who says procrastination can make a person dull?

The Link Between Ovarian Cancer and HPV

First time I heard about HPV, I thought it was purely an STD. Which it is, actually, then later I learned that it could apply to any old wart you have on any non-genital part of your body. So I could have a plantar wart on my foot and it is HPV! (correct me if I'm wrong). Just like good and bad cholesterol, there are also good and bad - in this case, safe and ugly and bad and life-threatening - kinds of HPV.

HPV first made medical news when it was linked to cervical cancer. It continues to make big waves because it is so prevalent (one in 10 women have it) and so life threatening (HPV causes almost all cervical cancers, 85% of anals cancers, and 70% of vaginal cancers) at the same time. More recently more studies have been conducted on the link between HPV and ovarian cancer. It gets all technical and convoluted, but you can read the whole article on HPV and ovarian cancer here.

Showering and Acne

(oh no that's not me).

Before I ponder on the bigger mysteries of life, allow me to dwell on the more mundane. Question in mind: can too much showering cause acne? This popped up unsolicited while I was enjoying an extra-tall glass of triple chocolate milkshake (which I think is also implicated in the acne debacle...more on that later). Being the geek that I am, tried it out myself - took daily nighttime showers for a week and noted the appearance of new pus-filled little red bumps. The result? One angry little red bump. On the crease right between my brows. Being the non-girly-girl I aspire to be, I just shrugged it off. Maybe it timed with my menstrual cycle (I had to admit in a not so not-girly-girl kind of way I really couldn't help). Of course, there are external other factors to look into (tall glass of triple chocolate milkshake included). Anyway, here's a more decent article explaining showering and its effects on pimples.

Setting Up Apt-Mirror to Download Ubuntu Repositories and Create Local Repositories for Use in a Local Network

Yeah, I'm getting my Ubuntu geek on now.

(Methinks I like the meerkat/timon better. But I'm partial to mammals. I loove the karmic koala the best! But i'm digressing..)

On to the tutorial-slash-note-to-myself:

Open Terminal, type:

sudo apt-get update
(this I think updates packages already installed on the system)

sudo apt-get install apt-mirror
(downloads and installs the apt-mirror package)

sudo apt-get install apache2
(downlaods and installs the apache2 package you need to serve as local server)

sudo nano /etc/apt/mirror.list

This opens the mirror.list file in a text editor called Nano right in the Terminal console. You can edit the mirror.list according to your needs. Note: You will need to uncomment (remove the #) on the lines you are going to edit, otherwise nothing will happen.

I've set up mine as the ff:

############# config ##################
set base_path    /MYDIR
set mirror_path  $base_path/mirror
set skel_path    $base_path/skel
set var_path     $base_path/var
set cleanscript $var_path/clean.sh
set defaultarch  i386
set postmirror_script $var_path/postmirror.sh
set run_postmirror 0
set nthreads     20
set _tilde 0
#set limit_rate 2.5k
############# end config ##############

deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty-security main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty-updates main restricted universe multiverse
deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu natty partner
deb http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty main
#deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
#deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu natty-backports main restricted universe multiverse

clean http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
clean http://archive.canonical.com
clean http://extras.ubuntu.com

 mirror://mirrors.ubuntu.com/mirrors.txt ---> use this to identify closest mirror

Some parameters:

    base_path: The place where are the downloaded packages go. NOTE: make sure you have write permissions to this directory
    mirror_path,skel_path,var_path,cleanscript,postmirror_script,run_postmirror,_tilde: Better leave them as they are.
    defaultarch: When you specify "deb <deb-url>" it'll fetch the URL of this type, or you can explicitly specify which architecture packages to pick up by specifying it as "deb-i386 <deb-url>"
    nthreads: The number of threads of wget that have to be launched for fetching the mirror contents
    limit_rate: This variable can be set to limit the download rate of the wget but this is per thread. So it boils down to (20 Threads)*2.5KBps = 50 KBps (Notice the 'B' it's for bytes).
    I just picked up the deb URL's from my file "/etc/apt/sources.list".
    I skipped the "deb-src" url's because I wouldn't be needing the sources and it'll just eat up my space. It all depends on the need of  the mirror if you need 'em just include them in the package.
    deb-urls: These are of the form "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-updates main restricted universe multiverse". Replace maverick with the codename that you want to mirror, maverick is the codename for Ubuntu 10.10. You can find out which version you are using by the command "lsb_release -a". If you just need the codename use "lsb_release -c". You can mirror any number of archives.

After souping up the mirror.list file, type:


You will be prompted to save the file, click Yes, and further prompted where to save the new file, just hit [Enter] to overwrite the existing file.

If you've changed the base directory, type:

Having changed the base_directory, I need to create some directories under /spare like so:

sudo mkdir /MYDIR/mirror
sudo mkdir /MYDIR/skel
sudo mkdir /MYDIR/var

You're ready to mirror! Type

sudo apt-mirror & /etc/apt/mirror.list

Note the "&" is so that I can run apt-mirror detached from the terminal.

Be ready to devote time - hours, or even several days, depending on your internet connection. In case you want to stop it and restart it from there the is no problem as it continues from there. So you can just run it when no one is using the connection.

If you're done - congratulations! You're halfway through. To clean up unwanted files, open Terminal and Type:
sudo /var/spool/apt-mirror/var/clean.sh

If you want all your packages to be updated everyday you will need to edit the cron file of the apt-mirror package:

gksudo gedit /etc/cron.d/apt-mirror
*or* sudo nano /etc/cron.d/apt-mirror

just uncomment the # from the last line and it will be updated every day at 4:00 AM you can edit and also change the timing and interval.

Useful sources:


Face Spa Treat...Right from the Kitchen

I love experimenting in the kitchen. Whipping up a good meal from scratch gives a certain satisfaction, especially if you have no idea what you're making in the first place. From testing on edible treats I've moved on to sampling different kinds of kitchen ingredients I can use to make my own facial masks at home. Face masks, especially the natural, so-called organic ones, cost quite a lot and can be quite disappointing once they come out of the pot. Since I believe Mother Nature provides us with just the right ingredients for everything, I've compiled a list of the best natural, homemade ingredients for face masks and tested mixing and matching them. Read more about the best recipes for homemade facials.

Learning a New Language via Firefox

The internet can be a lot of things to a lot of people. But have you ever tried learning a new language just by surfing through sites from all over the world? Apparently you can. By using language learning plugins in the Firefox web browser, you can go to any site in any language and have it instantly translated for you. Not all plugins are perfect though, so you'll find some that simply suck at translation. Here's a list of the five best learning language Firefox plugins to date.

The Benefits of Being Pear-Shaped

Apparently, having a pear-shaped body isn't as bad as most women see it is. Aside from the obviously wider pelvic canal that makes giving birth easier (hence, the term "birthing hips"), men are more attracted to bigger bottoms than they are to bigger breasts. Of course, the evolutionary instinct to propagate the species (wider hips = higher fertility) may play a bigger role here.

More interestingly, wider hips - or rather, a bigger waist-to-hip ratio, turns out to be an indicator of better health as well. This goes both for men and women. You can read more about the benefits of pear shapes and the waist-to-hip ratio here.

Everyone's a Critic...

...so why can't everybody accept criticism graciously? When it comes down to it, it's all a matter of pride. And learning to look at things beyond yourself. But if you're in one of those glum, depressing days when you feel like you're perpetually at the receiving end of the critique's parade, here's a handy guide to graciously surviving criticism. If that's not enough, maybe a day or two in a safe, secret, warm fuzzy hideaway will do...

But really, handling criticism is all a matter diplomacy...just as dishing out criticisms and compliments in the right manner and delivery is a technique in subtlety (or brazenness, if done poorly). You have to learn to be your own king, concierge and ambassador too. Yes, and when the going gets rough, learn to do a self-deprecating cartwheel and somersault like a cheerleader-slash-comedienne will do.

Seeing Cellulite

Cellulite can be such a nasty thing. Hearing and seeing it on TV and the internet makes you feel like it's such an ugly, ugly disease. Truth is, it is just one of the female body's natural phenomena - just like monthly periods and mood swings are part and parcel of being a woman. Not convinced? Read more about the facts, causes and treatments (or non-existence of such) for cellulite here.

Oh, and BTW, said article on cellulite made it to the Factoidz Article Spotlight some time this week! It's been getting steady hits lately so I'm so happy :)

Funny Jeepney Signs

One of the fun parts of riding jeepneys here in the Philippines (besides the sometimes interesting characters you get to ride with) are the various signs and posters you can see inside different jeeps. Call them vulgar or obscene, but you have to admit these brightly painted works of art are provide some insight into the colorful Pinoy psyche. I've compiled different pictures of funny and interesting jeepney signs from all over the web, added translations too for non-Filipino readers out there. You can view and read all of them here.

For more serious reading into the jeepney driver's subculture, you can read Hermenia Menez's article, "Jeeprox: The Art and Language of Manila's Jeepney Drivers" published here.

Setting Up Gmail On Your Symbian 60 Phone

How do you configure your Symbian 60 phone to receive and send your Gmail messages? Here's a 20-step guide:
  1. Enable IMAP in your Gmail settings.
  2. Select 'Messaging' > 'Options' > 'Settings' > 'E-mail' > 'Mailboxes.'
  3. If you have never set up email on your phone before, select 'Yes' to define a new mailbox. If you already have other mailboxes, select 'Options' and then 'New mailbox.'
  4. Select 'Start' to begin the setup wizard.
  5. Select 'IMAP4' and then 'Next.'
  6. Enter your full email address (including '@gmail.com') as the email address and select 'Next.' Google Apps users, enter your full address in the format 'username@your_domain.com.'
  7. Enter 'imap.gmail.com' as the incoming mail server and select 'Next.'
  8. Enter 'smtp.gmail.com' as the outgoing mail server and select 'Next.'
  9. Select the appropriate access point and then 'Next.'
  10. Enter a descriptive name for the email account mailbox name.
  11. Once your mailbox is set up, select it from the email mailbox settings screen.
  12. Select 'Connection settings' > 'Incoming e-mail.'
  13. Enter your address (including '@gmail.com' or '@your_domain.com') and password.
  14. Select 'SSL/TLS' for your security (ports) and define your port as '993.'
  15. Select 'Back.'
  16. Select 'Outgoing e-mail.'
  17. Enter your email address (including '@gmail.com' or '@your_domain.com') and password.
  18. Select 'StartTLS' for your security (ports) and define your port as '587.'
  19. Select 'Back' and change any other settings according to your preferences.
  20. Check our recommended client settings, and adjust your client's settings as needed.
You can read more about it here. (I'm posting it here for future reference, in case I need to reset my phone again :p)

Commuting in the Philippines

Navigating the Philippines' potholed, polluted streets can be a challenge. Learning the ropes about our public land transport system can be even more puzzingly frustrating. Speeding drivers, road rage, miscalculated change, the loss of personal space, sweat and smell and even cuckling chickens and the occasional robbery/holdup - that's part and parcel of public transport every commuting Filipino has accepted as the norm. (once in a few years there's also a bus or train blast - just like what recently happened to an airconditioned passenger bus this month). But commuting has its little joys and pleasures too (saying, squeezing tight beside a cute guy! haha) Decades of riding tricycles, jeeps, buses, and trains can reveal more about the Metro (and the rest of the country too) than riding in comfortable, sterilized private cars will do.

photo from pinoypandesal.blogspot.com

Want to know the trick to commuting in the Philippines? Read more about it here.

Cardillo Heaven

I just managed to recreate my favorite aunt's fish cardillo recipe... and it was just heaven! Takes me back 15 years ago when I would eagerly watch and wait while Auntie Ellen cooks and serves the steaming hot dish to me and my famished cousins (well, not so famished really, more like hungry after 5 hours straight of playing outside ;p)
(photo taken right after making cardillo...yum yum yum!)

Cardillo is one of my favorite dishes because it is tasty, healthy, and very easy to prepare. Plus it has lots tomatoes and eggs in it... two of my favorite foods ever :) You can read my five-step guide to making sumptuous fish cardillo here.

Beauty and the Breast

I'm currently doing some (geeky paper/research/statistical study) work on common societal perceptions to the female breast. In other words, how do people in different culture perceive and value the aesthetics of the female mammary glands? It seems like there is quite a disparity between female breast perceptions across the Atlantic - while going topless is quite commonplace in a lot of European countries there are still a lot of taboos associated with exposing your breast in the American public.

I've compiled some stuff that I've posted online - it's about the factors that affect breast size and shape. You can read it here. I don't want to go into value judgments on the breast yet, as it's quite complicated with so many factors to consider (culture, religious belief, exposure to mass media, etc.) :-p

Anyway, what's interesting is that apparently wearing a bra can actually weaken breast support by making the supporting ligaments atrophy. These ligaments weaken through disuse until they eventually lose function. Of course, doing strenuous exercise or sports without a bra is equally damaging (and painful - ouch!) to your breast support structure. The solution? Wear decent bra support when exercising or doing sports, or when your breasts are heavy with milk during pregnancy and childbirth - but go au naturel on your chest the rest of the time.

Wearing tight, ill-fitting bras, on the other hand, can cause serious damage to your circulation as it cuts off lymphatic channels. It can even crush your chest area abnormally, too.

To be honest, rt's actually quite liberating - physically and in a way, culturally - to go around the house not wearing a bra. For someone who grew up in a relatively conservative, Catholic country like me, it will however take some serious guts to go out of the house bra-less. *sigh*

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